Online Counselling & Psychotherapy

Convenient, accessible therapy to help you Bounce Back.

Online therapy made easy.

Therapy takes effort, but getting started shouldn’t have to! At Rebound Total Health, we make starting therapy easy. With our online format, down-to-earth approach, flexible bookings and simplified matching process, our goal is to take the guesswork out of starting therapy, leaving you more time and energy to Bounce Back.

Online therapy made easy.

At Rebound Total Health, we offer online counselling & psychotherapy services for individuals & couples. We are here to help you through a wide variety of struggles such as anxiety & mood disorders, relationships, men’s issues & more.

What is Online Therapy?

Real therapy, from real therapists – virtually.

Life’s busy. Sometimes it’s easier or more practical to receive therapy from the comfort of your own home or a private space of your choosing. Virtual therapy allows clients to meet their therapists on a secure online platform or via telephone.

What is online therapy?

Our online therapy offers the same quality therapy as an in-person session. The only thing different is the physical space! Instead of physically being in the same location as your therapist, you’ll meet them from wherever works best for you – via video chat or the phone. Our sessions take place on an online, virtual platform that is safe, secure and private. Accessing online therapy is easy. You just need a WIFI connection, a google chrome compatible device and a quiet, private space to do your session.

Why Online Therapy?

Online therapy offers several benefits to clients. The first is convenience. There’s no need to get ready, sit in traffic, or rush to make your session. All you need to do is set aside 50 minutes in your day to meet your therapist online.

Second is comfort. Many clients who have experienced online therapy found online sessions to be even more comfortable than in-person sessions! We’ll meet you where you’re at- whether it your backyard, your home office or your comfy bed. Wear your pjs, skip the make-up or cuddle up to your pup during your session – we’re all for it.


Meet our Team of Virtual Therapists!

Symptoms and manifestations of anxiety range from mild to severe and can include (but is not limited to) nervousness, restlessness, feeling tense or panicky, dread, a rapid heart rate or rapid breathing, hyperventilation, increased or heavy sweating, trembling or muscle twitching, weakness and lethargy, difficulty focusing, or the inability to think about anything other than that which makes you feel anxious.

Not sure if this is you? If you’re not sure if what you’re experiencing is anxiety or not, don’t worry! We don’t require any formal diagnosis or referral in order to help you with your experiences of anxiety. We’re here to listen and help you navigate the symptoms and experiences you’re facing.

What now? Ready to get started? Still have questions?

Taking the next step is as easy as 1-2-3!

Book your free consultation

Book your free virtual OR telephone consultation with our therapist match-maker! Let us know how we can help you, ask us questions and we’ll match you with a therapist best suited to your needs!

Setup your first session

If it feels like a fit, you’re ready to set up your first session! We’ll walk you through everything you need to know so you’ll feel prepared and confident in getting started.

Bounce back to your best self

Learn to curb those unhealthy habits, tackle your negative thinking and heal from those unprocessed past wounds. Develop confidence in being the best version of you when you Bounce Back.

Start with a free consultation today – when you’re ready, we’re here.

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