
Julia Telford

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

I’m Julia, I’m a Registered Psychotherapist Qualifying here at Rebound Total Health. I have always known that mental health and helping others understand themselves were true passions of mine. My journey with counselling others began just over 10 years ago, as a volunteer peer counsellor and a distress line volunteer – I absolutely loved both roles. Knowing I was helping others feel like they weren’t alone in their struggles and giving them a safe space to share and be vulnerable was incredibly rewarding. From there, I worked in non-profits agencies, and have learned so much about mental health and why it is so important to living a meaningful life. I have done a lot of my own personal work to become a more authentic, happier, and mindful person, and I’d love help support you do the same.

If you're struggling right now - I want you to know that you are not alone. Sometimes, dealing with negative emotions, life situations, and beliefs about yourself can be exhausting and overwhelming.

I will help you take it one step at a time.

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We can connect virtually or in person

Whether you’re near or far, I can help you bounce back. We can meet in-person in a calming, quiet environment in our newly renovated office space in Dundas, Ontario. We can also meet conveniently online or via telephone, giving you more flexibility to choose a time and place that works for you and your busy schedule.

If you’re ready to start, book a free consultation with me below.

What Can I Help you with?

I have experience working with Teens & Adults! Do you need help with any of the struggles listed below? I can help!

  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Body Image
  • Unhealthy coping habits
  • Self-Esteem & Confidence
  • Coping Skills
  • Peer Relationships
  • Self Care & Burnout
  • Men’s Issues
  • Perfectionism
  • Trauma
  • Borderline Personality Disorders
  • Mood Disorders
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Life Transitions
  • Self-Harming

Don’t see your struggle on the list above?
Let’s chat in a free consultation to see if I can help you or if someone on the Rebound team would be a better fit.

Working with me

When working with a client, I strive to give them a real, non-judgmental, and compassionate space to open up about what they are struggling with. Whatever is keeping you up at night, or keeping you feeling stuck – tell me! My aim is to help you make breakthroughs in your life and establish ways of coping that help you feel confidence and grounded. I want to collaborate with you to create goals, and maintain positive changes that are sustainable. When you leave your session with me, my commitment to you is that you feel heard, validated, and empowered.

Worth mentioning

As clients decide who they want to work with for counselling, there’s lots to take into consideration! Here are some additional perks you should know of!

Even if two people are struggling with the same experience, they might not find the same interventions helpful. I use a variety of therapeutic modalities and interventions to support you and create success.

Building trust and rapport is a critical part of my client centered approach. My aim is that we develop a trusting relationship so you can be your more vulnerable self, and feel comfortable digging deep to get to the root of the problem.

Booking with me is easy, fast, and convenient with our online booking system. I’m also available during evenings and weekends and offer affordable rates to make therapy more accessible.

What does a session with me look like?

Just as no two clients are the same, session are not all the same either. However, every session is tailored with your growth in mind. Overall, I love to open my sessions with a check in, and then collaborate with you on an agenda for the session that allows you to get what you need and make the most of our time together. You want to discuss skills to manage stress and anxiety? I can help with that. You want space to discuss your emotions? I’m all ears! You want to explore how past trauma is holding you back? I’m happy and honoured to walk that path with you.

Q&A just for fun

Q: Dogs or Cats?
A: Both! They are perfect in their own precious ways.

Q: Guilty Pleasure?
A: Very dramatic reality tv.

Q: Favourite Season?
A: Spring is my favourite, and summer is a close second.

Q: Favourite Saying?
A: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Q: Biggest Pet Peeve
A: Bad or careless drivers!!

Q: Ideal Vacation?
A: Backpacking and adventuring somewhere new!

Q: Hobbies?
A: Painting, biking, canoeing, anything outside!

Q: Big Dreams?
A: Owning a sailboat!

My approach

My approach to counselling is warm, inclusive, and integrative. That means, I practice theoretical flexibility in meeting your needs and goals as a client. No matter what you are going through (depression, anxiety, burnout, self-esteem issues, stress management, body image struggles), I will tailor my approach to ensure I’m fostering progress, growth, and purpose within our sessions. I’m very easy-going and completely open to receiving feedback about what works best for you.

Attachment based

The relationships we experience as children impact the relationships we have we ourselves and others as adults. This can lead to unsatisfying or unhelpful patterns such as low self-esteem, anxiety, interpersonal issues, and depressive symptoms, in our day to day lives. Increasing one’s understanding of their attachment style and how it shows up in everyday life is can be the first step in feeling better.

Parts work

Sometimes, it can feel like there are different parts of yourself that want different things. Maybe this results in uncertainty, frustration, or low self-worth? You’re not alone in feeling this way. By engaging in parts work, you can gain more insight and awareness into your different parts in order to form a better understanding of them. Although there are no “bad” parts, sometimes certain parts keep us stuck in unhelpful patterns or negative feedback loops. Parts work can be very rewarding and life-changing.


Knowledge is power. Understanding your behavioural, thought, and emotional patterns is power. Providing psychoeducation for whatever challenge you are going can be helpful to provide understanding and validation. Additionally, it can inform how to manage and grow from whatever it is you are going through.


Using an integrative and holistic approach allows me to use techniques and strategies from different theoretical frameworks such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy, somatic experiencing, internal family systems, etc.. An integrative approach sets the stage for more flexibility and personalized counselling experience.


Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, Yorkville University (2023)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology and a Minor in Child and Family Studies, University of Guelph

CCPA Student Members # 11245252

CRPO Registration # 13091

Fees & Session Costs

Individual 50-Minute Session $155

Training Highlights

Gaslighting: Help Clients Escape and Rebuild from a Narcissist’s Emotional Abuse – PESI (2024)

Clinical Applications of Internal Family Systems Therapy – PESI (2023)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Activating Psychological Flexibility for Anxiety, Trauma, and Emotional Dysregulation – PESI (2023)

Eating Disorder Sensitive: Education for Mental Health Care Providers – Body Peace Collaborative (2023)

Somatic Psychotherapy Skills to Bring the Body into Trauma Treatment – PESI (2023)

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy – ACT Intensive – PESI (2023)

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Certification – PESI (2023)

Working with the LGBTQ+ Community in a Clinical Setting – Trans Atlantic Training (2022)

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training – (ASIST, 2021, 2019, 2016)

De-Escalating Potentially Violent Situations – (Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute, 2020)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy – Dr. Gordana Eljdupovic (2016)

If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.

- Brene Brown

Interested in working with me?

As your counsellor I provide a comfortable, judgement-free space for help and healing.
When you’re ready, I invite individuals from all walks of life to reach out for a free consultation to see if we’re the right fit.

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